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This Section Contains the DESIGN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT For the Day Care Software System which encompasses: Architectural and Component level Design, Data Design, User Interface Design. UML Diagrams used: Sequence Diagrams, and Deployment Diagrams
"The strong local opposition comes as something of a surprise."
Streamline your workflow
The modernized, more intuitive user interface features redesigned icons, menus and controls.
New! CorelDRAW® ConceptShare™
Gain valuable feedback by sharing your designs and ideas with colleagues, and collaborating with clients in real time.
New! Windows® Color System
Match colors between Corel and Microsoft applications.
New! Adobe® Color Management Module
Match colors between Corel and Adobe applications.
Create illustrations, logos, brochures, newsletters, flyers, signs, Web images and more
Find your design assets
Enhanced! Windows Vista® Integration
Easily organize projects and search for files.
New! Editable Content
Leverage an abundance of new content, including 10,000 clipart images (40% new) and 1,000 high-quality photos. More specialized fonts include 75 Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4) with support for Greek, Cyrillic and other international character sets, as well as engraving fonts and OpenType® cross-platform fonts.
Redesigned! New from Template Dialog Box
Browse by keyword or industry to easily find the right template for any job.
New! 80 Professionally Designed Templates
Access high-quality templates, complete with keywords, notes about design choices, output tips and ways to maintain good design when customizing templates.
Accelerate layout and text editing
New! Interactive Tables
Create and import structured layouts for text and graphics.
New! Independent Page Layers
Vary page layout within a multi-page document.
New! Live Text Formatting
Preview formatting changes before you apply them.
New! WhatTheFont™ Integration
Save time by immediately identifying fonts used in existing designs or artwork received from clients (English only).
New! Mirror Paragraph Text
Mirror text horizontally, vertically or both
Discover advanced photo-editing features
New! Support for Raw Camera Files
Interactive controls let you preview adjustments in real time.
New! Straighten Images
Quickly correct images that were scanned or photographed at an awkward angle.
Enhanced! Histogram Feedback
Preview image-editing changes in real time by using histogram feedback, available with more features than ever before. Edit images more efficiently by comparing results as you adjust image tone, apply effects or process raw camera files.
Enhanced! Tone Curve Adjustments
Adjust images with more precision, thanks to an integrated histogram that provides real-time feedback. In addition, the new Eyedropper lets you pinpoint specific colorl*cations on the tone curve of your image.
Streamlined Page Sizes
Work more efficiently with page sizes that better reflect your geographic l*cation.
Size : 1615 MB
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The goal is to document every street names Main in the country by going to each of these 10,466 places, taking a photo, recording a video or writing a brief story.